Products Skincare

Winterize Your Skincare

The pools are closed; the leaves have all fallen; daylight gives way to the evening moon, a crisp edge lingering in the air. Winter has arrived!

With the change in temperature comes a change in what your skin craves. During the hot summer months, products with lighter ingredients are all you need. But when the temperature drops and the air gets drier, you need to boost the moisture levels and richness in your product line up. So…. what do you need in your winter skincare routine?

Below we will highlight the basic products you should consider:


With drier air comes drier skin. If you notice increased flaking with your skin, try adding a mild exfoliating treatment, either a store bought facial scrub or a DIY sugar scrub. Make sure it is formulated for the face as body scrubs are too harsh for the face. If you have drier skin, try a facial mask. It can help boost in the moisture levels in the face as well as buff away dead skin gently. Once a week is all you should need. Oily or acne prone skin can usually handle twice per week.

Our recommendations:  Finishing Touch or Black Mask by Revision Skincare


This is probably the one product you don’t need to swap out for a new formula. Unless you have a cleanser with strong acne fighting ingredients or one to control oily skin (or if you have a really potent moisturizer), this can remain the same. If you do currently use one that is drying, try one with more hydrating ingredients or one formulated for all skin types. The cleanser we recommend has enzymes that help exfoliate without drying out the skin. If you have more acne prone skin, a cleanser with glycolic acid would be a good choice as well.

Our recommendation: Papaya Enzyme Cleanser by Revision Skincare


Depending on your skin type, you may want to incorporate a hydrating serum or a brightening serum. Either option will give your skin a boost by giving it vitamins and other nutrients at night so they can work while you sleep. Serums are very thin and light in composition but add a huge punch to any skincare routine. They are key to the phrase “Prevention is easier than correction.”

Our recommendation: Hydrating Serum or Vitamin C Serum by Revision Skincare or Pure Hydration (hyaluronic acid) by Topix.


This is the all important step! No matter what skin type you have (oily, combination, dry) YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED TO MOISTURIZE!!  This is the key to healthy, youthful skin! If you are more into a simple routine, make sure you cleanse and moisturize! Using a richer moisturizer during the colder months will help to keep your skin healthy and plump, aiding it to combat the harsh, dry air that it will be subjected to. There have been an increased number of moisturizers that include hyaluronic acid which will give your skin an added boost, keeping you hydrated all day!

Our recommendation: Enriched Nighttime Bio-Therapy by Replenix (our PA’s favorite product!)


Last, but definitely not least, sunscreen. Yes, you should still use sunscreen in the winter.  Unless you live in place that experiences total darkness in the winter, you need to wear SPF. Even though the temperature has dropped, the sun’s rays are still present and can still cause damage. Especially on sunny snow days, as the sun’s light reflects off of the snow and back up towards your face. Don’t forget your lips! Grab a lip balm with an SPF to keep your pucker protected all year round!

Our recommendation: Any of the sunscreens by Image Skincare

So…the moral of the story?  The environment wreaks havoc on your skin on a daily basis. It’s up to you to take care of it and it doesn’t have to be complicated!

If you don’t currently have a skincare routine that meets the needs of colder seasons, call us at 301-760-7603 today to schedule a skincare assessment!

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