What is Collagen P.I.N /(Micro-Needling)?
The Collagen P.I.N Safety MicroNeedling provides “flawless” results on Face and some body areas. As our skin ages, our collagen production naturally slows down. Micro-needling is a method of introducing a controlled micro wound into the skin triggering a release of natural Collagen & Elastin and Growth Factors. As a result, the skin’s repair process begins immediately upon treatment and Fibroblasts (the cells that synthesize new collagen) are active for up to one year after just one Collagen P.I.N. treatment. New Collagen and Elastin production results in younger, healthier, plumper, and firmer skin, effectively reducing the appearance of acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines for an overall better tone and texture.
How does it work?
Your skincare professional will apply a thin layer of topical serum to your pre-cleansed skin for about 30 minutes prior to the procedure. Also, a Hyaluronic Acid Serum is applied to help the sterile single use Micro-Needle Cartridge glide smoothly across the skin’s surface while creating thousands of micro-channels every second, which helps stimulate the skin’s own natural healing process and simultaneously delivers Hyaluronic Acid (HA) – the building blocks for healthy new skin. The treatment takes 30-45 minutes and most people say they feel almost nothing after having been pre-treated with a topical numbing agent. Others have rated the pain as a 2 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of pain.ed the pain as a 2 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level of pain.
How will I look after my Collagen PIN treatment?
Collagen P.I.N. has minimal down time. Immediately after your treatment, your skin will look flushed or to red and it feels like having a moderate sunburn. Depending on your skin’s sensitivity and the extent of treatment, the redness can last for 24-48 hours. You may also have some dryness or flaking, due to loss of moisture, 3-4 days after the treatment. Your medical provider will recommend skin care products for your post care based on your individual skin, which will greatly minimize these symptoms and enhance your overall results.
How many treatments will I need?
Typically a series of 3-6 Collagen P.I.N. treatments is recommended, depending upon your area of correction or concern. Your skincare professional will ultimately determine a treatment schedule based on your individual goals and desires. Treatments are usually spaced at 4 week intervals. Patients with deep wrinkles, advanced sun damage, or any type of scars, usually require 6 or more treatments to achieve the desired results.
Most patients see results after the first Collagen P.I.N. treatment. Individual results vary depending on individual skin health. It is most common to begin to see positive results as soon as 1-2 weeks after the first treatment. Optimal results are seen with 3-6 treatments, depending upon your area of correction. Please visit http://inductiontherapies.com/facial-filler-treatments-video/ for more information and videos of the P.I.N. Collagen treatments.